Kondensierte Materie - Experimentelle Festkörperphysik

Bulk and surface electron scattering

06.03.2025|13:23 Uhr

Representative quasiparticle interference pattern of the surface of Bi2Te3, revealing standing electronic wave patterns in a field of view of 70nm x 70nm.

Representative quasiparticle interference pattern of the surface of Bi2Te3, revealing standing electronic wave patterns in a field of view of 70nm x 70nm.


Bulk and surface electron scattering in disordered Bi2Te3 probed by quasiparticle interference


We investigated the electronic properties of the topological insulator Bi2 Te3 by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy at low temperature. We obtained high-resolution quasiparticle interference data of the topological surface Dirac electrons at different energies. Spin-selective joint density of states calculations were performed for surface and bulk electronic states to interpret the observed quasiparticle interference data. The topological properties of our crystals are demonstrated by the absence of backscattering along with the linear energy dispersion of the dominant scattering vector. In addition, we detect nondispersive scattering modes which we associate with bulk-surface scattering and, thus, allow an approximate identification of the bulk energy gap range based on our quasiparticle interference data. Measurements of differential conductance maps in magnetic fields up to 15 T have been carried out, but no strong modifications could be observed.

Phys. Rev. B 111, 115111 (2025)