School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

List of Publications



Phonon thermal transport shaped by strong spin-phonon scattering in a Kitaev material Na2Co2TeO6,
X. Hong, M. Gillig, W. Yao, L. Janssen, V. Kocsis, S. Gass, Y. Li, A. U. B. Wolter, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
npj Quantum Materials 9, 18 (2024)


High-Tc surface superconductivity in the topological Weyl semimetal t-PtBi2,
S. Schimmel, Y. Fasano, S. Hoffmann, J. Puig, G. Shipunov, D. Baumann, S. Aswartham, B. Büchner, C. Hess,

Spinon Heat Transport in the Three-Dimensional Quantum Magnet PbCuTe2O6,
X. Hong, M. Gillig, A. R. N. Hanna, S. Chillal, A. T. M. Nazmul Islam, B. Lake, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 256701 (2023)

Phononic-magnetic dichotomy of the thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev-Heisenberg candidate material Na2Co2TeO6,
M. Gillig, X. Hong, C. Wellm, V. Kataev, W. Yao, Y. Li, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043110 (2023)

Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless Transition in the Type-I Weyl Semimetal PtBi2,
A. Veyrat, V. Labracherie, D. L. Bashlakov, F. Caglieris, J. I. Facio, G. Shipunov, T. Charvin, R. Acharya, Y. Naidyuk, R. Giraud, J. van den Brink, B. Büchner, C. Hess, S. Aswartham, J. Dufouleur,
Nano Lett. 23, 1229 (2023)


Heat transport of the kagomé Heisenberg quantum spin liquid candidate YCu3(OH)6.5Br2.5: localized magnetic excitations and spin gap,
X. Hong, M. Behnami, L. Yuan, B. Li, W. Brenig, B. Büchner, Y. Li, C. Hess,

Ubiquitous enhancement of nematic fluctuations across the phase diagram of iron based superconductors probed by the Nernst effect,
C. Wuttke, F. Caglieris, S. Sykora, F. Steckel, X. Hong, S. Ran, S. Khim, R. Kappenberger, S. L. Bud’ko, P. C. Canfield, S. Wurmehl, S. Aswartham, B. Büchner, C. Hess,

Absence of nematic instability in LiFeAs,
M. Wissmann, F. Caglieris, X. Hong, S. Aswartham, A. Vorobyova, I. Morozov, B. Büchner, C. Hess,

Elastoresistivity of heavily hole doped 122 iron pnictides superconductors,
X. Hong, S. Sykora, F. Caglieris, M. Behnami, I. Morozov, S. Aswartham, V. Grinenko, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Front. Phys. 10, 853717 (2022)

Spin liquid evidence at the edge and in bulk,
A. U. B. Wolter, C. Hess, Nature Physics 18, 378 (2022)

A robust thermoelectric module based on MgAgSb/Mg3(Sb,Bi)2 with a conversion efficiency of 8.5% and a maximum cooling of 72 K,
P. Ying, L. Wilkens, H. Reith, N. Perez Rodriguez, X. Hong, Q. Lu, C. Hess, K. Nielsch, R. He,
Energy & Environmental Science (2022)


Thermal transport of the frustrated spin-chain mineral linarite: Magnetic heat transport and strong spin-phonon scattering,
M. Gillig, X. Hong, P. Sakrikar, G. Bastien, A. U. B. Wolter, L. Heinze, S. Nishimoto, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. B 104, 235129 (2021)

State with spontaneously broken time-reversal symmetry above the superconducting phase transition,
V. Grinenko, D. Weston, F.Caglieris, C. Wuttke, C. Hess, T. Gottschall, I. Maccari, D. Gorbunov, S. Zherlitsyn, J. Wosnitza, A. Rydh, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, R. Sarkar, S. Dengre, J. Garaud, A. Charnukha, R. Hühne, K. Nielsch, B. Büchner, H.-H. Klauss, E. Babaev,
Nature Physics 17, 1254 (2021)

Strongly scattered phonon heat transport of the candidate Kitaev material Na2Co2TeO6,
X. Hong, M. Gillig, R. Hentrich, W. Yao, V. Kocsis, A. R. Witte, T. Schreiner, D. Baumann, N. Pérez, A. U. B. Wolter, Y. Li, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. B 104, 144426 (2021)

Laser-Assisted Floating Zone Growth of BaFe2S3 Large-Sized Ferromagnetic-Impurity-Free Single Crystals,
M. L. Amigó, A. Maljuk, K. Manna, Q. Stahl, C. Felser, C. Hess, A. U. B. Wolter, J. Geck, S. Seiro, B. Büchner,
Crystals 11, 758 (2021)

Revisiting the phase diagram of LaFe1-xCoxAsO in single crystals by thermodynamic methods,
F. Scaravaggi, S. Sauerland, L. Wang, R. Kappenberger, P. Lepucki, A. P. Dioguardi, X. Hong, F. Caglieris, C. Wuttke, C. Hess, H.-J. Grafe, S. Aswartham, S. Wurmehl, R. Klingeler, A. U. B. Wolter, B. Büchner,
Phys. Rev. B 103, 174506 (2021)

Evidence for a percolative Mott insulator-metal transition in doped Sr2IrO4,
Z. Sun, J. M. Guevara, S. Sykora, E. M. Pärschke, K. Manna, A. Maljuk, S. Wurmehl, J. van den Brink, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023075 (2021)

Strain derivative of thermoelectric properties as a sensitive probe for nematicity,
F. Caglieris, C. Wuttke, X. C. Hong, S. Sykora, R. Kappenberger, S. Aswartham, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
npj Quantum Materials 6, 27 (2021)

Thermal transport of the frustrated spin-chain mineral linarite: Magnetic heat transport and strong spin-phonon scattering,
M. Gillig, X. Hong, P. Sakrikar, G. Bastien, A. U. B. Wolter, L. Heinze, S. Nishimoto, B. Büchner, C. Hess
Phys. Rev. B 104, 235129 (2021)

Thermoelectric Properties of Novel Semimetals: A Case Study of YbMnSb2,
Y. Pan, F.-R. Fan, X. Hong, B. He, C. Le, W. Schnelle, Y. He, K. Imasato, H. Borrmann, C. Hess, B. Büchner, Y. Sun, C. Fu, G. J. Snyder, C. Felser,
Adv. Mater. 33, 2003168 (2021)

Pressure-induced and flaring photocatalytic diversity of ZnO particles hallmarked by finely tuned pathways.
M. Vrankić, A. Šarić, T. Nakagawa, Y. Ding, I. Despotović, L. Kanižaj, H. Ishii, N. Hiraoka, G. Dražić, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, R. Peter, M. Petravić
J. Alloys Compounds 894 (2021) 162444

Time resolved grazing incidence X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the in-situ investigation of the initial stages of sputter deposited copper thin films.
D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, J. Stötzel, J. Just, O. Müller, B. Bornmann, R. Frahm
Phys. Stat. Sol. a (2021) 2100514

Structural behavior and spin-state features of BaAl2O4 scaled through tuned Co3+ doping.
M. Vrankić, A. Šarić, S. Bosnar, D. Barišić, D. Pajić, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, T. Klaser, M. Petravić, I. J. Badovinac
Inorg. Chem. 60 (2021) 8475 - 8488.

Preconditioning of AISI 304 stainless steel surfaces in the presence of flavins - Part II: Effect on biofilm formation and microbially influenced corrosion processes.
N. Wurzler, J. D. Schutter, R. Wagner, M. Dimper, V.-D. Hodoroaba, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, O. Ozcan
Werkstoffe & Korrosion 72 (2021) 983 - 994.

Coulomb blockade in field electron emission from carbon nanotubes.
V.I. Kleshch, V. Porshyn, P. Serbun, A.S. Orekhov, R.R. Ismagilov, S.A. Malykhin, V.A. Eremina, E.D. Obraztsova, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, A.N. Obraztsov
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118 (2021) 05310

Carbon single-electron point source controlled by Coulomb blockade.
V.I. Kleshch, V. Porshyn, A.S. Orekhov, P. Serbun, A.S. Orekhov, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, A.N. Obraztsov
Carbon 171 (2021) 154 - 160.

High temperature treatments of niobium under high vacuum, dilute air- and nitrogen-atmospheres as investigated by in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
J. Klaes, P. Rothweiler, B. Bornmann, R. Wagner, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht
J. Synchrotron Rad. 28 (2021) 266-277.


High-field thermal transport properties of the Kitaev quantum magnet α-RuCl3: evidence for low-energy excitations beyond the critical field,
R. Hentrich, X. Hong, M. Gillig, F. Caglieris, M. Culo, M. Shahrokhvand, U. Zeitler, M. Roslova, A. Isaeva, T. Doert, L. Janssen, M. Vojta, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. B 102, 235155 (2020)

Polymorphic PtBi2 – candidate for topological superconductivity,
G. Shipunov, I. Kovalchuk, B. R. Piening, V. Labracherie, A. Veyrat, D. Wolf, A. Lubk, S. Subakti, R. Giraud, J. Dufouleur, S. Shokri, F. Caglieris, C. Hess, D. V. Efremov, B. Büchner, S. Aswartham,
Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 124202 (2020)

Evolution of the nematic susceptibility in LaFe1-xCoxAsO,
X. Hong, F. Caglieris, R. Kappenberger, S. Wurmehl, S. Aswartham, F. Scaravaggi, P. Lepucki, A. U. B. Wolter, H. Grafe, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 067001 (2020)

Hydrodynamical description for magneto-transport in the strange metal phase of Bi-2201,
A. Amoretti, M. Meinero, D. K. Brattan, F. Caglieris, E. Giannini, M. Affronte, C. Hess, B. Büchner, N. Magnoli, M. Putti,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023387 (2020

Substrate-Independent Magnetic Bistability in Monolayers of the Single-Molecule Magnet Dy2ScN@C80 on Metals and Insulators,
D. S. Krylov, S. Schimmel, V. Dubrovin, F. Liu, T. T. N. Nguyen, L. Spree, C.-H. Chen, G. Velkos, C. Bulbucan, R. Westerström, M. Studniarek, J. Dreiser, C. Hess, B. Büchner, S. M. Avdoshenko, A. A. Popov,
Angewandte Chemie 59, 5756 (2020)

La6Pd2+xSb15 (x = 0.28): A rare-earth palladium intermetallic compound with extended pnictogen ribbons,
M. I. Sturza, M. L. Amigó, J. I. Facio, F. Caglieris, S. Aswartham, S. Seiro, C. Hess. J. van den Brink, S. Wurmehl, B.Büchner,
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 291, 121578 (2020)

Mg3(Bi,Sb)2 single crystals towards high thermoelectric performance,
Y. Pan, M. Yao, X. Hong, Y. Zhu, F. Fan, K. Imasato, Y. He, C. Hess, J. Fink, J. Yang, B. Büchner, C. Fu, G. J. Snyder, C. Felser,
Energy Environ. Sci. 13, 1717 (2020)

Incommensurate magnet iron monophosphide FeP: Crystal growth and characterization, I. O. Chernyavskii, S. E. Nikitin, Y. A. Onykiienko, D. S. Inosov, Q. Stahl, J. Geck, X. C. Hong, C. Hess, S. Gass, A. U. B. Wolter, D. Wolf, A. Lubk, D. V. Efremov, F. Yokaichiya, S. Aswartham, B. Büchner, I. V. Morozov,
Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 083403 (2020)

Disorder-induced coupling of Weyl nodes in WTe2,
S. Sykora, J. Schoop, L. Graf, G. Shipunov, I. V. Morozov, S. Aswartham, B. Büchner, C. Hess, R. Giraud, J. Dufouleur,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033041 (2020)

Coulomb blockade and quantum confinement in field electron emission from heterostructured nanotips.
V.I. Kleshch, V. Porshyn, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, A.N. Obraztsov
Phys. Rev. B 102 (2020) 235437

Laser-processing of grinded and mechanically abraded Nb-surfaces.
V. Porshyn, P. Rothweiler, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht
J. Laser Appl. 32 (2020) 042009

Advanced field emission measurement techniques for research on modern cold cathode materials and their applications for transmission-type x-ray sources.
P. Serbun, V. Porshyn, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 (2020) 083906

Abundance of Fe(III) during cultivation affects the microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) behaviour of iron reducing bacteria Shewanella putrefaciens.
N. Wurzler, J.D. Schutter, R. Wagner, M. Dimper, D. Lützenkirchen Hecht, O. Ozcan
Corrosion Sci. 174 (2020) 108855

EXAFS investigations of Cobalt electrodeposition.
D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, D. Hamulić, R. Wagner, I. Milošev
Rad. Phys. Chem. 175 (2020) 108113

Field emission and electron energy distributions from point-type triangular-shaped emitters made of thin graphene films.
P. Serbun, V. Porshyn, D. Bandurin, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht
J. Appl. Phys. 127 (2020) 185302

Preliminary investigation of chlorine speciation in zirconolite glass-ceramics for plutonium residues by analysis of Cl K-edge XANES.
A. Mason, S.M. Thornber, L.J. Gardner, M.C. Stennett, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, N.C. Hyatt
MRS Adv. 5 (2020) 37 – 43

Trained to corrode: Cultivation in the presence of Fe(III) increases the electro- chemical activity of iron reducing bacteria - An in situ electrochemical XANES study.
N. Wurzler, J.-D. Schütter, R. Wagner, M. Dimper, D. Lützenkirchen Hecht, O. Ozcan
Electrochem. Commun. 112 (2020) 106673

Boosting oxygen reduction of single iron active sites via geometric and electronic engineering: Nitrogen and phosphorus dual-coordination.
K. Yuan, M. Qiu, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, X. Zhuang, Y. Chen, X. Feng, U. Scherf
Amer. Chem. Soc. 142 (2020) 2404 – 2412


Percolative Mott insulator-metal transition in doped Sr2IrO4,
Z. Sun, J. M. Guevara, S. Sykora, E. M. Pärschke, J. van den Brink, K. Manna, A. Maljuk, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner, C. Hess,

Orbital-driven elasto-Seebeck and elasto-Nernst effects in 1111 iron based superconductors,
F. Caglieris, C. Wuttke, X. Hong, S. Sykora, R. Kappenberger, S. Aswartham, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner, C. Hess,

Topological Electronic Structure and Intrinsic Magnetization in MnBi4Te7: A Bi2Te3 Derivative with a Periodic Mn Sublattice,
R. C. Vidal, A. Zeugner, J. I. Facio, R. Ray, M. H. Haghighi, A. U. B. Wolter, L. T. Corredor Bohorquez, F. Caglieris, S. Moser, T. Figgemeier, T. R. F. Peixoto, H. B. Vasili, M. Valvidares, S. Jung, C. Cacho, A. Alfonsov, K. Mehlawat, V. Kataev, C. Hess, M. Richter, B. Büchner, J. van den Brink, M. Ruck, F. Reinert, H. Bentmann, A. Isaeva,
Phys. Rev. X 9, 041065 (2019)

Berry curvature unravelled by the anomalous Nernst effect in MnGe3,
C. Wuttke, F. Caglieris, S. Sykora, F. Scaravaggi, A. U. B. Wolter, K. Manna, V. Süss, C. Shekhar, C. Felser, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. B 100, 085111 (2019)

Spectroscopic evidence of nematic fluctuations in LiFeAs,
Z. Sun, P. K. Nag, S. Sykora, J. M. Guevara, S. Hoffmann, C. Salazar, T. Hänke, R. Kappenberger, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. B 100, 024506 (2019)

Heat transport of cuprate-based low-dimensional quantum magnets with strong exchange coupling,
C. Hess,
Physics Reports 811, 1 (2019)

Chemical Aspects of the Candidate Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4,
A. Zeugner, F. Nietschke, A. U. B. Wolter, S. Gaß, R. C. Vidal, T. R. F. Peixoto, D. Pohl, C. Damm, A. Lubk, R. Hentrich, S. K. Moser, C. Fornari, C. H. Min, S. Schatz, K. Kißner, M. Ünzelmann, M. Kaiser, F. Scaravaggi, B. Rellinghaus, K. Nielsch, C. Hess, B. Büchner, F. Reinert, H. Bentmann, O. Oeckler, T. Doert, M. Ruck, A. Isaeva,
Chem. Mater. 31, 2795 (2019)

Spin-polaron ladder spectrum of the spin-orbit-induced Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 probed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy,
J. M. Guevara, Z. Sun, E. M. Pärschke, S. Sykora, K. Manna, J. Schoop, A. Maljuk, S. Wurmehl, J. van den Brink, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. B 99, 121114(R) (2019)

Large Thermal Hall Effect in α-RuCl3: Evidence for Heat Transport by Kitaev-Heisenberg Paramagnons,
R. Hentrich, M. Roslova, A. Isaeva, T. Doert, W. Brenig, B. Büchner, C. Hess,
Phys. Rev. B 99, 085136 (2019)

Performance of nearly fixed offset asymmetric channel-cut crystals for X-ray monochromators.
Frahm, Q. Diao, V. Murzin, B. Bornmann, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, Z. Hong, T. Li
J. Synchrotron Rad. 26 (2019) 1879-1886.

A comparative study of field emission from pristine, ion-treated and tungsten nanoparticle-decorated p-type silicon tips.
V.I. Kleshch, P. Serbun, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, A.S. Orekhov, V.E. Ivanov, C. Prommesberger, C. Langer, R. Schreiner, A.N. Obraztsov,
Physica Status Solidi B 256 (2019) 1800646

Copper uptake, tissue partitioning and biotransformation evidence by XANES in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L) grown in soil amended with nano-sized copper particles.
C.O. Ogunkunle, B. Bornmann, R. Wagner, P. Fatoba, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, R. Frahm
Environ. Nanotechnol. Monit. Managem. 12 (2019) 100231.

Field emission from laser-processed niobium (110) single crystals
V. Porshyn, P. Serbun, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht
Phys. Rev. Acc. Beams 22 (2019) 023101.

The quick EXAFS setup at beamline P64 at PETRA III for up to 200 spectra per second.
B. Bornmann, J. Kläs, O. Müller, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, R. Frahm
AIP Conference Proceedings 2054 (2019) 040008.


Last modified: 19.03.2024